Wednesday, April 5, 2023

April Ministry Updates

 Hi everyone! Hope you had a great March, and are starting to plan some good fun things for April.  If you have a chance, please text me or leave a comment with how I can be praying for you. 

Spring Break 

 Some of my friends and I over spring break! We took a quick weekend trip to Austin. From L to R: Me, Becca, Sophie, Claire, and Jessica! 

My peer team leader, coworker, neighbor, and just amazing friend Emily! We went and visited her grandmother in Bonham again. If you look close enough you will see our matching sweaters :) 


We did a PowerPoint core where each of the girls could bring a PowerPoint on a book of the Bible, a Christian topic they had question over, or really anything in regards to Faith. Here is Kyndal presenting over Jonah, some of the other girls chose names of God, will we have free will in Heaven, and Esther. It was so neat! 

My core at TCC put on a worship night! It was challenging to get a space, to get people there, but God provided! It was such a neat experience!

Our Teams 

This is our student leader team from this past year. They help with leading our cores! 

This is the staff team for UTA and TCC! I am super thankful for each of them. 

ACC Retreat 

We had a church retreat for our church Arlington Central Church. It was so encouraging getting to stay overnight, play games, worship, and just be with the church. It was encouraging watching everyone love one another. 


My cofa McKendry and I 
I will be staying on staff with FOCUS for another three years. I will be continuing to help with the new plants at Tarrant County College NE and SE. I have a big heart for these populations as they are lower in socioeconomic level and then also just deeply unchurched students. I also really got to experience Jesus at a community college level, and I believe He is really moving there. 

So if you can please be praying for my upcoming fundraising season, as well as those campuses and UTA. God is doing big big things in Arlington and
 I feel so blessed that I get to be apart of it. 

If you also know of anyone looking to support a campus missionary please send them my way so I can start a conversation with them. 

Student Testimony 

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February Ministry Updates