Thursday, March 31, 2022

March Ministry Updates

 Hi friends so excited to update you with what happened this month! Hope you guys are enjoying the nicer weather and are getting excited for summer. Comment down below what you love the most about summer! I am excited to tell you about the many fun and amazing things that God was able to do with our ministry. I am also so thankful for all of you reading these updates and praying for these students. 

Outreach at Tarrant County College 

We were able to do an outreach event at TCC this semester, and it was called "Bad Tattoos". It was so fun and it was based on us using water and those fun press on tattoos. We were able to talk and meet with many different people on campus, and one girl came to our core after the event. In the red sweatshirt is Jacob from core who is helping lead the outreach event. 

Sweet Spring Memories with Fun Friends 

Here is us in Bonham visiting 
Emily's grandmother 
We had some girls over for a movie night
and it was so sweet getting to hang out and socialize! 

My peer team went to visit my peer 
team leaders grandmother and 
it was so sweet! 
A sweet friend from my core 
a few years ago got married!

Exciting News 

I am so excited to also update you guys that I have accepted another 1 year commitment with FOCUS. I will be staying at UTA and working primarily at helping to plant our TCC ministries. I am so so excited and can't wait to see what the Lord does on those campuses, and as I get to continue meeting with the students I am already building relationships with. I would also love to ask if you could prayerfully consider partnering with me for another year whether at the same amount, or consider increasing. I will also be contacting you all in the future to talk to you more about this exciting opportunity. 


  • Could you be praying for students as they enter into the last few weeks of school? 
  • Then also for fundraising for SICM as our students are working to raise support 
  • Praying for our student leaders to finish well in the semester 
  • Then also could be praying for our TCC core to stay connected and build friendships over the rest of the semester and summer.


  1. May God continue to bless you and your work. Thanks for the updates, Bailey. Blessings!

  2. I am so proud of you, friend! Keep up the good work <3 - Jordy

  3. Yay, so excited for you and the work young going to do at TCC next year! As for summer, I love all the sunshine summer brings. And this summer will be extra fun since baby Eloise will be here!


January Ministry Updates

  Thank you so much for your continuous partnership with me in the gospel. I am so grateful for you. I did not have as much going on this pa...