Saturday, January 7, 2023

January Updates

Happy New Year! I hope you all had great holidays and got to spend some good time with friends and family. I got some Christmas Cards from you all and they are so sweet. I have them on my fridge still! December is kind of slow ministry wise, but I have some sweet updates on students and our staff! 

Christmas Moments

We had a staff Christmas dinner and the top left photo is of our entire staff. We have grown so much! Then the bottom left is everyone who did the apprenticeship with me last year who stayed on staff. It is such a joy to work with everyone! 

Proud Moments

Two of my closest friends graduated. Caroline graduated with a degree in Biology and Jessica graduated with a degree in Elementary Ed. The four of us on the left met our freshman year in college and have been friends for 7 years. We have been apart of this ministry all together. It is such a neat thing to me, and something I want other girls to experience! 

Sweet Moments Over Break 

Getting to play games over staff retreat with Sarah
Cookie decorating with some sweet girls 
Going to see the musical Six with Sarah, WE SAT IN THE FRONT ROW! 
Kenny and I painting pottery! 

Children's Ministry 

Update on being a Children's Minister as well! I love it, these are two of my sweet kiddos I get to teach and my friend Lizzy who helps me sometimes. This was us talking about Jesus being born. We celebrated with party hats, fruit snacks, and a dance party! We were throwing Jesus a birthday party! It is always so fun! 

Prayer Requests

  • Winter Retreat is next weekend, please pray for it to be a fun weekend and that students remain healthy! 
  • Please be praying for TCC SE, that we meet some students this semester and it grows well this semester 

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February Ministry Updates