Tuesday, May 3, 2022

April Showered Us with Good Times

Hi friends and family! It is hard to believe it has already been a whole month already! I am so excited about this month's updates. It has been just such a blast. I love the springtime, and seeing the wildflowers grow. It is such a pretty season, and living in Texas sometimes the weather is perfect! Do any of you all have a favorite season? Thank you guys so much for reading this update, I am so grateful for all of each and everyone of you guys. 

Meeting New Friends  

Even though the school year is wrapping up we got to participate in some new outreach ideas on TCC and at UTA. The top pic is at UTA with some students in our ministry. It was called pics and pals, and we had 10 different pictures and were asking students what they thought or felt about them. It ranged from nurses during COVID-19 to bleached coral in the Great Barrier Reef. It was a neat way to hear from different students on our campus and what they think about different topics. 

The bottom picture is from TCC at their Arbor Day Festival. It was so cool! I learned that they are recognized as a Tree Campus, which I didn't know was a thing! We were asking students what about trees are they most thankful for. 

Happy Easter 

I am so thankful for the Easter holiday for Jesus rising from the dead and the grace that comes with it. I was lucky to get to spend it with so many people whom I love. My sweet cousin Morgan surprised all of us and drove in from Alabama! A question we asked our students during Easter was how does Jesus being resurrected bring you hope or comfort?  

One thing for me is that Jesus was raised in a bodily resurrection, that provides the comfort and hope that God calls our body good. God created our body's and Jesus being raised in a bodily resurrection affirms the creation of a good body. 

Little Moments 

1. The top left is my roommate Sophie and her cofa Lizzy who is so fun. Sophie took up balloon animals for two weeks and it was so fun! 
2. The bottom left is  Alisa, she studies the bible with Sophie. I have loved getting to know her through hanging out with her every few weeks. She recently got baptized! How exciting for her, she got a crown from Sophie! 
3. The top right, that was Lizzy and Alisa's birthday party. A lot of the women's leader team went to dinner in Fort Worth and it was just so fun! We love those girls. 
4. Bottom right is Juli with baby Lucas. He is a baby at our church, and I LOVE HIM! He is so sweet and we all love holding him. 
5. In the middle we have Lizzy and I at Alisa and Lizzy's birthday! 

Last Updates 

I wanted to let you know that I will be spending the next few months working on fundraising my income so that come school year I can be fully dedicated to boots on the ground ministry with students. I am working on reaching out to you guys and seeing if you are interested in staying on my support team, but also if you know anyone who is interested in college ministry and would be willing to hear from me. Please feel free to send them my way! I am so thankful for the way you all are so faithful in supporting me! I really appreciate you guys! 

Prayer Requests 

  1. My roommates mom unexpectedly passed away this past month, if you could be praying for the family, and just overall healing. 
  2. Prayers for our students as they are going into finals week, that they stay focused on their studies but also remember that their value is not defined by their grades. 
  3. Prayers as we enter summer and many students are heading home and can feel disconnected, they can also be heading home to some harder situations. So just protection 
  4. Prayers for my upcoming fundraising season
  5. We have students traveling for a ministry conference in a couple weeks, prayers for their fundraising and safe travels 

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February Ministry Updates