Tuesday, February 13, 2024

February Ministry Updates

 Hi everyone! Hope you are having a great February, and getting ready for Valentine’s Day! I am so thankful for you all. The end of January is pretty slow as we get back from Winter Retreat and school kicks off. So here are just a couple updates from this past month. 

Ministry Updates 

We have been doing a public reading of scripture weekly since the fall, and it has been so neat to see the fruit of that. Our students are in the word consistently and are really developing a deep love of scripture. 

Student Highlight 

I wanted to highlight this student I get to meet with weekly, Iman! She and I just finished the 10-12 week study called Focus on Jesus. I have loved getting to be her friend, learn more about her, and her life. She and I are continuing to meet and read John together as she has never read a gospel before. I am so excited about her, keep praying for her. Students like this though are what make college ministry so exciting! 


- We have Open House this Saturday at UTA! You are all welcome to come and hear more about ministry on UTA and TCC’s campus. If you are interested in coming check out anyfocus.org/uta-open-house 
- We have PizzaTHEO again on February 25th at First Baptist Plano from 4-9, it will be over The Bible.

You are always welcome to these events! 

February Ministry Updates