Wednesday, September 6, 2023

September Ministry Updates

 Another month has come and gone how crazy! August is truly one of our busier months, and it is always SO fun! I love getting to meet so many new students, plan amazing fun events, and just overall get to see God be known on campus. I find it to be so joyful. So here are some little snapshots from this past month. 

Welcome Week 

We did zombie tag, karaoke,  and hung out at Canes! It really was so neat to see then that first Thursday how many people came and worshipped God all together. 

There is a video down below from our United Worship Night 


Staff Retreat 

We spent the beginning of August as a staff learning more about how Jesus was tempted in the desert. Then how those temptations are still relevant in our life and then also in our ministry.

Prayer Requests
  • Our student leaders as they are starting their cores. They have been absolute rockstars these past few weeks. If you could be praying for them as their cores start up, and they start up their FOJS. 
  • I have one student I am meeting with who is going through some hard mental health stuff. She is really struggling, and if you could just be praying for safety and health for her. 

  • Then if you could be praying for TCC SE, the majority of the campus is going online this semester. It is already so challenging to build community there, and with a majority of the student population going online it will add an extra challenge. So if you could just please please be praying!! 

February Ministry Updates